Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tourism shapes industry - Abstract

The development of a country is often measured through the success or lack thereof of the industrial sector. Through continued dependence on foreign support Malta failed to develop in industry and technology until after its independence in 1964. In addition, industrial growth has been limited by the lack of natural resources available on the island - water and energy are limited. By considering the natural resources available, the history of industry on the island, and analysis of its current economic status, the impact of tourism on the country can be assessed. In Malta, tourism is an important economic contributor and has shaped the more recent industrial development. Tourism is important to the island of Malta given how industry has been formed around it, however, this has been a detriment to the islands technological development. These detriments can be seen through the struggle with natural resources of water and oil, the absence of manufacturing prior to 1959, and the absence of a unique industrial field.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you are focusing on an interesting part of Malta, specifically its natural resources or lack thereof in this case, but you are talking about tourism as a detriment to Malta and I believe that is not true. People are often told to use what they have available to them whether it be skills, resources, or knowledge. I believe that this holds true for countries as well. While at first glance Malta may not have the most natural resources, it does have people (tourists) and lots of sunlight (which brings the tourists). While these are not traditionally considered natural resources, I think that in Malta’s case they should be. In addition to looking at the lack of industry these resources result in, I think you should incorporate what these natural resources created and how they could harness these resources (mainly the sunlight) in today’s world of technology. Also, what are some of the positives that tourism brings to Malta – art, small business, open space, or even lack of industry. What other skills, resources, or knowledge does Malta have?
